Thursday, March 24, 2011

Breed: Wolfdog

Wolfdogs, a hybrid wolf dog mix, are usually a very beautiful mix of arctic or timber wolf and various larger domestic dog breeds. Most wolfdogs exhibit physical characteristics of both the wolf and dog in differing combinations. Scientifically the wolf is known as canis lupus and the dog ascanis familiaris. Although closely related, there are anatomical and physiological differences between wolves and dogs. 
A beautiful photo of Shadow, a wolf dog hybrid malamute mix
In proportion to the rest of the body, wolves have slimmer torsos, longer legs, larger feet, narrower chests, larger heads, larger teeth and more powerful jaws. In addition, unlike most dogs, wolves seldom bark past the point of their playful puppy years. A wolf's eyes are usually a golden color and their coat color varies from black to grizzled grey to white. Wolves are also believed to possess greater endurance and higher stamina than dogs. The wolf has webbed feet to provide better traction on slippery surfaces. The alaskan husky, german shepherd and malamute dog breeds are more wolf like in appearance than other canine pure bred selections and are often the breed of choice when a wolf dog hybrid is bred domestically and a wolf like appearance is important in the resulting offspring.
Many pure bred dogs as we know them today, have a more recent wolf inheritance in their genes than others. For instance, as recently as 100 years ago, the german shepherd was "created" utilizing several pure bred wolves in the development process. Something interesting, when a german shepherd is cross bred with a northern sled dog breed the resulting offspring bears a strong resemblance to a wolf or wolf dog when in fact they are actually "all dog" on paper. There are also certain lineages, such as the the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog and the Saarloos Wolf Dog, that were developed with the specific purpose of creating a stable wolfdog breed.
Crossbreeding between dogs and wolves in the wild does occur occasionally. Wolves are seasonal breeders and breeding in the wild is most likely to occur when a roaming feral dog and a lone wolf of opposite sex meet during the wolf's breeding season. Interestingly, most wolfdog hybrid wolf dog mixes are larger than their parents. The genetic description of a hybrid wolf dog offspring is most commonly represented by a percentage representing the measure of the amount of wolf blood possessed by the hybrid. There is some controversy among breeders regarding which methods work best for determining the proper percentage, as well as their accuracy.
Whatever the percentage, the wolfdog is usually a very gorgeous animal, beautiful to behold. The hybrid wolf dog is often a regal, highly intelligent, captivating creature. Consequently, the wolfdog has steadily grown in popularity and the number of hybrids in the US is estimated to be somewhere around 300,000.
However, the suitability of the hybrid wolf dog as a pet is just one of the many misconceptions about wolfdogs today. Most of what the general public knows about the hybrid wolf dog comes from literature, news articles and unfortunate publicized incidents, and, there has been little scientific investigation to support or disprove subsequent misconceptions. One thing is certain however, a wolfdog is not necessarily a suitable pet for just anyone, and households with young children should especially think twice about their decision to bring a wolf dog into their home. Although many owners have had success with wolfdogs as pets, in general, they can seldom be compared to your standard everyday dog.
There are both physical and behavioral differences between the pure bred wolf and the domesticated dog. Wolves are more predatory in nature than dogs and dogs are actually more aggressive in nature than the wolf, whereas, predatory represents hunting to kill for sustenance and aggressive represents an intention to hurt either for protection or sport. A dog's predatorybehavior toward humans has been supp- ressed through years of domestication, however, human breeding has designed dogs to be aggressive for purposes of protection, obedience or the pursuit of fighting for sport. Mixing the fighting, protective and/or aggressive dog breeds with a wolf is not recommended because the "aggressive guard drive" of the dog mixed with the "predatory" instincts of the wolf have the serious potential to create some dangerous behavioral problems in the resulting offspring. It should also be noted here, that due to their low aggressive tendencies, wolf dog hybrids seldom make suitable watch dogs. They will ferociously defend themselves, but it is not in their nature to attack and/or protect a human counterpart simply by command. Their low tendency to bark also interferes with their performance as "watch dogs".
Since a wolfdog is part wolf and subsequently part "wild" animal, there is always a chance that it will possess a much stronger predatory nature than a domestic dog, therefore, it is often recommended by experts that they be raised as "wolves" rather than dogs. The wolf has a complex social structure based on a hierarchy of dominance within the pack. It is expected that the dominance of higher ranked animals (sometimes "humans") will be constantly challenged by the subordinates in the wolf pack. This behavior is instinctual and domesticated wolves (and wolfdogs) will often challenge their human owners for the position of pack dominance. The combination of the pursuit of dominance in the wolf and the aggressive attack nature of the dog can make the wolfdog dominance challenge particularly dangerous.
Consequently, wolf dog hybrids require astute training methods, methods different from standard dog training techniques. Although perceptive and highly intelligent a wolfdog cannot be expected to behave as a human would either. Successful training will require knowledge and understanding of both dog and wolf behavior in general. Body language is important in both the dog and wolf world so expect your body language to be important to the relationship as well. What we consider an insignificant posture may be considered an indication of threat or weakness by the wolf dog. Many wolf dog behaviorists do not recommend sharing furniture or playing tug of war with your wolfdog as it might lower your position in the dominance hierarchy. Training is often thought of as "socialization" rather than traditional enforcement of obedience and response to commands. Positive rewards and non-submissive compro- mise are often the order of the day. They require a lot of time, patience and energy and they will cons- tantly be testing you. Most enthusiast believe a good sense of humor is important too. The more time you spend on the socialization process the more successful the relationship. Be ready and willing to rearrange your life and schedule to accommodate them rather than yourselves. Vacations may also be a thing of the past as it may be hard to find someone to properly care for them while you are away.
Perhaps, it is best to think of a potential wolf dog as a companion, an "equal" if you will, rather than a "pet". A pet dog might be considered more obedient, submissive and shapeable in nature than a wolf, whereas a wolf dog will need to be appreciated for and integrated into it's owners life 100% for who he is rather than who the owner would like him to be. A pet dog can often be "owned", trained, corrected, ignored or even abused and he will still forgive you and offer you his undying friendship regardless. However, as companions of equality, a wolfdog cannot be "owned", bossed around, ignored or abused or they will no longer offer you their hand in friendship and the relationship will be lost. This only reinforces the fact that knowledge, proper handling, patience and understanding are the key to a successful life with a wolfdog hybrid.
Choosing to bring a wolfdog hybrid wolf dog into your home is a serious decision that will have an impact on many, and it should never be done lightly. If you are considering becoming a wolfdog owner for the first time it would be advisable to visit with as many different hybrid wolf dog breeders and owners as possible. Read as many books on wolf dog hybrids and wolf behavior as you can as well. There are also numerous organizations, websites, message boards and newsletters to investigate. For maximum knowledge, potential hybrid wolf dog owners might explore the idea of working with socialized wolves as a volunteer at a local wolf sanctuary. It is often difficult to really know how we will like or dislike a change in lifestyle until we have actually experienced it. And, as we all know, there is no better teacher than experience itself.
You'll also want to explore the various concerns of this special mix. Special considerations regarding the hybrid wolf dog include a wolf pups tendency toward less than desirable household behaviors. Wolf hybrids often have destructive properties and may be more likely to chew on furniture. They can also be more difficult to housebreak than dogs. Many are not good around small animals, children or cats as they may see them as prey due to their significantly smaller size. Chaining is never recommended, yet they often have a tendency to dig, climb and jump. Fencing should be high and it can get expensive. Dietary requirements can also be time consuming and expensive. Although they seldom "bark" they can be known to howl and this may be disturbing to your neighbors. Like a cat, they "own" you more than you own them and obedience will usually only occur when they feel like it, when it is "their" idea. If you still want to purchase a wolf dog hybrid there are several guidelines you should follow.
shadow, a handome hybrid wolf dog hybrid, as a young pup
When selecting your pup, you'll want to ask for proof that your pup isactually part wolf. As mentioned earlier, a german shepherd sled dog cross mixed breed can be very similar in appearance to a pure bred wolf. You'll also want to find a breeder who is willing to provide a lifetime worth of support who has themselves been working with and breeding wolf dog hybrids for a long time. A good breeder will not breed rescues, breed a female on it's first heat, have frequent accidental litters, or poor containment methods just to name a few. A reputable breeder should have more questions for you than you do for them and they may even require references or photos of your home. If the welfare and happiness of their pups is not their utmost concern, move on.
It will also be important to have some idea ahead of time as to what specific dog breed heritage you would like your hybrid to possess, as this will have a significant impact on your wolf dog hybrid's physical characteristics and general health characteristics. For instance, a german shepherd cross may be more likely to get hip dysplasia as it ages, as this is a german shepherd health characteristic. A few more examples, a siberian mix may be smaller in size and possess blue eyes and a malamute mix may have a denser, thicker coat. You'll find that many wolf dog hybrid breeders will have their own specific preference as to which mix is best. On rare occasion you may run into a wolf dog where the dog portion is a more classic canine such as a golden retriever, standard poodle or lab. These crosses sometimes do well in the home but are usually very non-wolf like in appearance. Under most circumstances, consider temperament first and pedigree second. Behavioral characteristics can be better understood by spending time with the parents, the pup and even siblings from a previous litter.
The age at which your pup is socialized to humans is also very important. The younger you can start working with your pup the better. Some enthusiasts believe it is best to hand raise them starting around two weeks. The ability to be handled and treated by a veterinarian will be important and it is best to work with a doctor that is familiar with handling members of the wolf species. Expect the puppy stage to last as long as 3 years before your wolf dog pup comes to full emotional and sexual maturity. Many first time wolf dog owners are surprised when their loveable pup starts to develop behavioral changes and makes attempts to dominate the family hierarchy for the first time at such a late age.
Also, many enthusiasts believe that as pack animals, they will do best when raised with and surrounded by another of their own kind as well. Room to run and containment are always a must as well and larger wolfdogs may require fencing as high as 8'. Most wolfdog owners report that their wolfdogs do not do well in cars and are most comfortable when allowed to stay within theirterritory.
The hybrid wolf dog is not for all, as a matter of fact it is for the very few, however, under the right circumstances, in the right environment, with the right person, it can be a beautiful companion

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Breed: Norwegian Lundehund

The Lundehund,  which takes its name from the lunde, puffin, (Fratercula arctica) is one of the world's rarest breed of dog not only because of its modest numbers, but also because in one and the same breed we find a whole series of unusual anatomical characteristics.  Some of these characteristics are found, but only sporadically, in other breeds.  The lundehund is rare but is also remarkable--what other breed of dog is marked by so many unusual characteristics?  The lundehund has at least 6 toes on each foot;  can close its ears so that the ear-canal is protected against dirt and moisture;  has neck-joints which enable it to bend the head backwards over the shoulders, so that the forehead touches the back--this is useful when the dog has to turn in a narrow passage.  Furthermore, this dog has extremely mobile fore shoulder-joints, so that both front legs can stretch straight out to the sides.
The lundehunds' unusual characteristics were very useful in a particular kind of hunt.  The many toes gave the dog a good foothold when it had to balance on steep cliffs or slippery rocks, and they were a great help when the dog had to crawl through difficult passageways.  The dog used this extra toe as support, also to brake himself on slippery or uneven terrain, so that on the whole the dog was equipped to go where the man could not.  The characteristic fore shoulder-joints enabled the dog to "throw out his arms" if he lost his footing on slippery rock and was, as we have noted, useful when he had to turn or shift in cramped passages.  The mobility of the dog's neck was undoubtedly of great usefulness when he had to reverse himself in order to come out from the passages to the birds' nests.  It is indeed unbelievable what nature has created here:  the Lundehund is so unusually distinguished by his characteristics as to make one ask if, all in all, this IS a dog. 

If the little fishing village, Måstad, on the island of Væroy in the Lofoten Islands, had not had such hopelessly poor communications with the outside world, the world's most unusual dog would now be only history.  The lively little lundehund is, actually, just as rare and select among breeds of dog as are the Arabian and ling horse (ling is a moor with heather) among horses.

AKC Breed Standard:

General Appearance
The Norwegian Lundehund is a small rectangular and agile Spitz breed with unique characteristics not found in any other breed. Originating on remote islands of arctic Norway, the dog was used to wrestle and retrieve live puffin birds from the crevices of steep vertical cliffs. To enable the dog to climb, descend, and brake on these cliffs, unique structural characteristics have evolved and must be present as they define this breed: a minimum of six toes on each foot and elongated rear foot pads; an elastic neck that allows the head to bend backward to touch the spine, letting the dog turn around in narrow puffin bird caves; and shoulders flexible enough to allow the front legs to extend flat to the side in order to hug the cliffs. This shoulder structure produces a peculiar rotary movement. Finally, the ears close and fold forward or backward to protect from debris. The temperament is alert but not expected to be outgoing toward strangers.
Size, Proportion, Substance
Size: The desired height for adult males is between 13-15 inches and 12-14 inches for adult females. Size consideration should not outweigh that of type, proportion, movement and other functional attributes.Proportion: length of body is slightly longer than height at the withers. Depth of chest is approximately one half the height. Substance: The Lundehund should be athletic and agile, never coarse or heavy. Bitches are distinctly feminine but without weakness.
The head is wedge-shaped, of medium width and clean. The skull is slightly rounded with prominent brows. There is a pronounced but not deep stop, and the bridge of the nose has a slight arch. The muzzle is of medium length and width, tapering gradually to the end of the muzzle. Length of the muzzle is approximately two-thirds the length of the skull. Nose and lips are black. 
Teeth: Scissors bite is preferred, but level and reverse scissors bite are permitted. Missing premolars on both sides of the upper and lower jaws are common and allowed.
Eyes: almond-shaped, yellow-brown to brown with a brown ring around the pupil. Light eyes are preferred. Eye rims are dark and complete. 
Ears: medium-size, triangular, broad at the base, carried erect and very mobile. The ear leather can be folded and turned up, backward or at right angles so that the ear openings are clamped shut.
The neck is clean, of medium length and strong without being thick. NOTE: The judge should never ask the handler to demonstrate the characteristic flexibility in the ring, as the dog can not relax sufficiently at a dog show.
Level back, short loin and slightly sloping croup, slight tuck up. Ribs are carried well back, well-sprung but not barrel-shaped.
High-set, medium length with a dense coat. When the dog is moving, the tail may be carried trailing or in a graceful arch over the back with the tip touching the back. A tightly curled tail or one that falls too far to either side is undesirable. When at rest, the tail hangs with a slight curve.
Moderate angulation with very elastic shoulders so that the front legs can extend out to the side. The legs are straight with slightly outward-turned feet. The feet are oval with at least six fully developed toes, five of which should reach the ground. Eight pads on each foot. The additional toes consist of one three jointed toe, like a thumb, and one two-jointed toe along with corresponding tendons and muscles that give the foot a strong appearance.
Moderate angulation in balance with the forequarters. Strong muscular upper and lower thighs. Feet: Oval, slightly outward turned with a minimum of six toes, of which four support the dog's weight. There are seven pads with the center pad elongated. When viewed from behind, the rear legs are close but parallel.
Double coat with a harsh outer coat and a dense, soft undercoat. The coat is short on the head and front of the legs, longer and thicker around the neck and back of thighs. It is dense on the tail with little feathering. The male typically has a thicker ruff around the neck. The Lundehund is presented naturally with no trimming.
Fallow to reddish brown to tan with black hair tips and white markings or white with red or dark markings. More black hair tips with maturity. Dogs with a completely white head or with 50 percent of the head white should have complete dark eye rims and lashes.
Light and elastic. As the Lundehund is designed to climb steep cliffs and work into narrow crevices, the front assembly must be flexible and wide. This produces an elastic gait with a unique rotary front movement. He moves close but parallel in the rear.
A Lundehund is alert, very energetic, loyal and protective. He can be wary of strangers but never aggressive toward people.