Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dog Food: Getting Started

Frequently Asked Questions

The general guideline is 2% to 3% of your dog's ideal adult weight. This is only a starting point. Each dog is different. Watch your dog's waist and ribs. If your dog gets too chuby, cut back on what you're feeding. If your dog gets too thin, increase what you're feeding.
How should I start? Should I switch my dog gradually to a raw diet?

Most dogs do best with being switched cold turkey. Feed kibble one day, feed raw the next day. Kibble is an unnatural food for a carnivore. It takes your dog much longer to digest kibble than it will to digest raw. If you try to alternate between the two the raw food can get "stuck in traffic" behind the kibble. This can cause the raw food to pass more slowly through the system than it should which can cause problems for some dogs.
What should I start with when I switch my dog to raw?

One common beginner mistake is to feed too much variety too soon. Pick one protein source and stick with it for a week or two. A popular choice for dogs new to raw is chicken. It's inexpensive, the bones are relatively soft and easy to digest for beginners, and it's easy to find. Chicken leg quarters are a good choice for most dogs. They have a good amount of meat on them. Avoid cuts with very little meat on them like necks or wings. Also, necks, because of their shape and size, can be a choaking hazzard.
I just offered my dog a raw meal and he/she is looking at me like I've grown a second head. What should I do?

There are a few possibilities. First there are additives to kibble to make it addictive to dogs. Raw food won't have as strong a smell so your dog may not realize that what you've put in front of him/her is actually food. Sometimes tuff love is required to convince them otherwise. Give your dog 10 to 15 minutes. If he/she is showing no interest in the food casually take it up and put it in the fridge for next meal time. DO NOT offer anything else until next meal time. At the next meal time offer the SAME thing that was refused at the previous meal and repeat the process. Some dogs have been known to hold out two or three days, or longer, before they decide to accept raw food. Believe me this is tougher on the human than on the dog. I know you will be tempted to give your dog a snack. Resist the temptation for your dog's sake. A healthy dog will not starve himself/herself. There are some medical reasons why your dog may not want to eat what you're offering. Periodontal disease is quite common in kibble fed dogs. If your dog's mouth is in bad shape and causing him/her pain he/she may be reluctant to eat RMBs(Raw Meaty Bones). If you suspect that there might be a medical reason why your dog is reluctant to eat you should have him/her checked out by a vet.


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