Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pseudocyesis (False Pregnancy) in dogs

False Pregnancy is a condition in which a female exhibits behavior that resembles pregnancy. This is caused by the influence of hormones produced by the ovaries. During false pregnancy, the female seems restless and tends to "mother" toys, shoes, or other articles. She may attempt to build a nest with torn paper or blankets. Her abdomen may seem larger than normal, and the mammary glands may actually produce milk.
In most animals, no treatment is necessary, because the affected female will "cycle" out of the false pregnancy on her own. This may take as long as 2 months. Surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus (spaying) may be advisable in females that have severe or repeated false pregnancies. If your pet's mammary glands become large and painful, application of alternating warm and cold compresses 3 to 4 times daily usually relieves the discomfort. You can also feed one half the normal amount of food for 2 days to reduce milk production. If she is still having pain after 2 days, contact your veterinarian. Also notify your veterinarian if there is discharge of blood or fluid from your pet's vagina or if she is depressed for more than 2 days.
Notify your veterinarian if any of the following occur:
  • Your pet still has painful mammary glands after 2 days
  • Your pet has discharge of blood or fluid from the vagina
  • Your pet is lethargic or loses her appetite 
What causes false pregnancy?
The underlying cause of false pregnancy is understood poorly. All bitches that ovulate remain under the influence of the hormone progesterone for approximately 2 to 3 months. The progesterone concentration is similar whether the animal is pregnant, is not pregnant and not showing signs of false pregnancy, or is having a false pregnancy. Progesterone is a female hormone that maintains pregnancy and causes mammary development. If the animal is pregnant, the concentration of progesterone declines sharply about 1 to 2 days before delivery. The concentration of another hormone, prolactin, increases. Prolactin is the hormone that stimulates milk production. It is thought that the dropping progesterone levels and the increase in prolactin in animals that are not pregnant may be responsible for the changes seen with false pregnancy. In other words, false pregnancy probably is an exaggerated response to normal female hormones.
Animals treated with progesterone for conditions not related to false pregnancy may have signs of false pregnancy when the progesterone-containing medication is discontinued. If an animal undergoes an ovariohysterectomy (spay) during the time when progesterone levels are high, the sudden drop in progesterone following surgery may cause false pregnancy.

What is the prognosis for animals with false pregnancy?
The prognosis (outcome) for animals with false pregnancy is good. False pregnancy is not a disease; it is a normal response to female hormones. While the animal's behavior may be frustrating to the pet guardian, the condition resolves in most animals in 2 to 3 weeks without treatment. However, false pregnancy can develop during subsequent heat cycles.


  1. In reality, when we owned a female dog we need to be prepared for her pregnancy stage. Sometimes, we notice some changes to the body of our dog, but it doesn't mean that your pet is pregnant. The information stated here your article proves that I'm right and it be also a serious disease. False Pregnancy caused by the influence of hormones produced by the ovaries. See more about: Vets Sherbourne

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